How’s your void and what do your customers think?
Should they open a box up and see this?

So in this picture we have a great example of what not to do. Firstly, its a genuine package, with two items in a box that’s too big. We’ve all experienced this and pictures appear nearly everyday in the press around the world. Secondly, at least they didn’t use plastic bubble wrap but paper instead. That way the consumer at least knows it can be recycled along with the box. There’s approximately 2 metres of paper fill here. You could use it to socially distance the VIRUS….
Thirdly, The void fill will not stop the items from shifting about, if used like this. Particularly if they are heavy. In my view and of many other professionals, its useless. It’s been shown time again if you multi pack items and one or more is quite heavy, it will no doubt collide with a more delicate item and break it. Void fill doesn’t solve that issue when the box gets dropped or thrown and they will, be certain of that. For a quick look at some testing I do, click HERE
So what can you do?
Well firstly, don’t buy stock boxes, sure they’re cheap as chips but what price is your reputation. You then have to pay for all that void fill = more cost = more waste = bad impression. Not to mention time spent packing it by your crews.
Improving your packaging is quite easy and it’s not as expensive as you may think. It’s not about the cost of the box it’s about the cost for keeping a customer. If it leaves them with a bad impression they’ll go somewhere else. That’s cost you a lot..
See this link about benefits of using corrugated board. FEFCO
What help you can get
You may not have time to investgate all the packaging you use and certainly your staff don’t, they’re too busy packing the online orders.
Getting independent help is a key way to improve boxes and get more returning customers.
How? Well a simple walk around your pack room and warehouse usually reveals a few pointers. It doesn’t take long and there’s always something to start considering.
Start by asking for help and you’re nearly there. Connect with me HERE
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